Tuesday, Mar 28, 2017
At CASA Lake County we are preventing abuse and neglect every month of the year.
When children who have been abused or neglected grow up without a strong support system, without the focused help they need to heal, and without the guidance of those who know how to advocate for their every need, it’s not only their own lives that are shattered. Research shows that they will be much more likely to abuse their own kids one day. And so the cycle continues.
We are breaking that cycle by ensuring that abused and neglected children have the chance to recover and to find a permanent loving home. With a trained and supported CASA volunteer by their side – in court, in the child welfare system and in life – foster children get a real opportunity to grow up strong, stable and successful.
But we cannot help abused and neglected children – today or for generations to come – without your support. Please donate or become a CASA volunteer today!